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发布日期:2025-01-22 13:29 点击次数:120
岁末将至,2024年即将画上句号。有没有某个瞬间,让你突然感叹时光飞逝?是日历上的最后一页?是手机相册弹出的“往年今日”?还是音乐APP推送的“你的年度歌单”?虽然日月既往,不可复追,但时间的流逝并非无痕,我们总能在时间中沉淀出价值,积累起迎接未来的力量。有这样一群人,他们宛如时光旅人,专注于探寻被岁月尘封的往昔,还原历史的本真模样。他们就是考古工作者。挖掘时间 追溯历史“我们挖掘的不仅是遗址,而是时间本身。” 故宫博物院考古部主任徐海峰说。"We are not just excavating a site; we are excavating time itself," said Xu Haifeng, director of the Archaeological Department of the Palace Museum.2018年梅赛德斯-奔驰星愿基金与故宫博物院展开一系列公益合作,其中就包括2020年底启动清代造办处遗址考古项目,历经四年多时间,地下故宫的历史徐徐展现。In 2018, the Mercedes-Benz Star Fund entered into a series of CSR collaborations with the Palace Museum. At the end of 2020, it launched an Archaeological Project of Zaobanchu, Architectural Site of the Palace Museum Imperial Workshop. Over the course of more than four years, the historical legacy of the "Underground Forbidden City" has been progressively revealed.故宫内造办处遗址考古现场考古现场分布着多个深坑,最深处达3.8米,露出层层堆积的砖瓦与夯土。从上到下,这些地层跨越了从民国到清朝,再到明代的岁月,最深处甚至保存着元代建筑的基础。时间在这里以肉眼可见的方式被压缩成不同层次的土壤,呈现出一眼跨越800年的景象。At the archaeological site, the ground is marked by several deep pits that reveal layers of bricks and rammed earth with the biggest pit measuring 3.8 meters deep. From top to the bottom, the layers span different periods, from the Republic of China era to the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911) and the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644). At the bottom are the foundations of the Yuan Dynasty (1271-1368), where time has been compressed into visible layers of soil-an 800-year journey at a single glance. 故宫内造办处遗址考古现场更令李纬文和同事们感到惊喜的是,他们在一次现场清理中发现了一个较为完整的砖砌体。后经微创挖掘与对比分析,确认了这就是一个明早期的磉(sǎng)墩。无论从尺寸还是技术来看,这一发现在目前国内考古发现的磉墩中都是名列前茅的。这样的磉墩他们一共发现了四个,每两个磉墩间均间隔11米,由此可以推断,明早期时这里有一座极其宏伟的建筑。明早期磉墩此外,考古现场还出土了各种生活类遗物,包括动物骨骼、砖瓦片、破碎的瓷器和陶片。透过这些遗迹,几百年前的清宫造办处似乎就在眼前缓缓展露,这里虽没有足以载入史册的宏大故事,却让我们看到百年前“打工人”最真实的工作与生活点滴。清代土灶出土的破碎瓦片出土的日常瓷器“这些普通人在历史上留下的痕迹同样生动鲜活,弥足珍贵。这可能也是我们考古工作的意义所在——填补过往岁月中的易被遗忘的缝隙,让历史的细节重焕新彩。”故宫博物院考古部馆员李纬文说。"The traces left by these ordinary people in history are equally vivid and valuable. This is perhaps the essence of our archaeological work - filling in the forgotten gaps of the past, giving history a chance to breathe new life," said Li Weiwen, a researcher of the Archaeological Department of the Palace Museum.匠心保护 非遗传承如果说造办处遗址工程是考古学者们“挖掘过去的时间”,呈现历史的本真模样,那么同为奔驰星愿基金支持的景福宫研究性保护修缮项目则是当代故宫人守护时间的价值,传承古老的技艺,助力文化薪火相传。景福宫,这座精致绝伦、别具匠心的宫殿,从乾隆年间一直静静地守在故宫东北角。作为乾隆皇帝为自己规划的“退休居所”,宫内庭院布局将殿宇、假山、树木等景观融为一体,尽显自然之美与人文之韵。数百年来,景福宫始终保持历史原貌,在时间的进程中,依旧优雅如初。景福宫六年前,景福宫研究性保护修缮项目在奔驰星愿基金的支持下启动,让景福宫停滞的时间重新流动起来。此次修缮工程秉承“不改变文物原状”的原则,依托现代技术手段,同时充分运用历经数个世纪传承下来的官式古建筑营造技艺,使这一传统工艺在当世时间重新焕发出新的生命力。Six years ago, the research-based conservation and restoration project for the Jingfu Palace was launched, with the support of Mercedes-Benz Star Fund. Following the principle of "preserving the original appearance of ancient palace in restoration", the project draws on traditional architectural techniques passed down over the centuries, while leveraging modern technological methods.官式古建筑营造技艺,是故宫历代匠人在营造、修缮过程中形成的一套完整的、具有严格规制的传统官式建筑施工技艺,即土作、石作、搭材作、木作、瓦作、油作、彩画作、裱糊作共“八大作”。这项国家非遗技艺在景福宫的修缮中发挥着核心作用。为了更好地将技艺一代代传承下去,此次景福宫修缮项目特别开设了技艺培训班,为年轻工匠提供学习与实践的机会,培养更多技能人才,传递时间的力量,传承匠心精神。至今已有故宫博物院57名工匠参加培训。To ensure the continuation of these traditional crafts across future generations, the Jingfu Palace restoration project has launched a specialized training program. This initiative provides young craftsmen with opportunities to learn and practice their craft, fostering a new generation of skilled professionals, which preserves the essence of craftsmanship, and carries forward the enduring legacy of time. So far, 57 craftsmen from the Palace Museum have received the training.阅读更多景福宫内容: 知来路,明去途;敬过往,致未来故宫博物院常务副院长娄玮提到:“在文化传承的道路上一路走来,我们结识了很多热爱文化、热爱公益的有识之士。梅赛德斯-奔驰,正是与我们同行多年的公益老友之一。” Lou Wei, executive deputy director of the Palace Museum, said: "During the process, we have met many farsighted people who are passionate about culture and public welfare. Mercedes-Benz is one of our CSR partners who have been supporting us for many years."在携手故宫博物院推进公益合作的七载岁月中,奔驰星愿基金先后支持了包括造办处遗址考古、景福宫研究性保护在内的文物建筑修缮、文物保护、学术研究、青少年传统文化教育和国际交流等多个项目。 Over seven years of collaboration with the Palace Museum, the Mercedes-Benz Star Fund has supported architectural restoration including the Archaeological Project of Architectural Site of the Palace Museum Imperial Workshop and the Jingfu Palace Restoration Project; cultural relics preservation; academic research; youth education; international exchanges and other projects. 北京梅赛德斯-奔驰销售服务有限公司高级执行副总裁、奔驰星愿基金管委会主席张焱表示,“作为现代汽车发明者,我们始终坚信,惟有知来路,才能明去途。我们期待通过与故宫博物院的公益合作,将时间的力量和传承的价值展现给更多热爱中国文化的朋友。”"The future is driven by the past. We believe in the power of time and take great pleasure in bringing the value of cultural legacy to more people," said Zhang Yan, senior executive vice-president of Beijing Mercedes-Benz Sales Service and chairman of the Mercedes-Benz Star Fund Management Committee.从造办处遗址的考古研究到景福宫的修缮保护,奔驰与故宫携手从历史中汲取智慧,不仅在当下致力于保护和传承珍贵的文化遗产,更通过深度挖掘故宫所承载的中华优秀传统文化内涵与意义,让历史更加具象,让文化更真切,让每一个人都可以感知到文化带来的自信与力量。即将到来的2025年是故宫博物院建院100周年,同时也是双方合作成果集中呈现的重要一年。届时,造办处遗址考古成果展将正式与公众见面,景福宫的修缮工作也将迈入重启新生的关键阶段。The year 2025 will mark the 100th anniversary of the Palace Museum’s founding and serve as a pivotal moment for showcasing the results of the collaboration. During this milestone, the archaeological findings from the Imperial Workshop site will be formally unveiled to the public, and the restoration of the Jingfu Palace will enter a crucial phase in its journey toward renewal and revitalization. Advertorial
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